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Meta (Facebook) Ads Campaign Types: Which One is Right for Your Business?

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Meta (Facebook) Ads Ad Campaign Types

Advertising on Meta platforms, formerly known as Facebook, offers a plethora of options that can cater to different marketing goals. One way to ensure your business effectively utilises these options is by understanding the various ad formats and campaign objectives offered. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of these elements, offering best practices for each and suggesting which business types they might suit best.

Ad Formats

Image Ads

Image ads are a straightforward, classic form of advertising on Meta. They consist of a single image accompanied by a headline and text, effectively delivering your message. When done right, image ads can drive significant engagement, even from a cold audience. With high-quality, visually appealing images that evoke emotions or convey your brand's story, you can capture the audience's attention. Minimal yet compelling text can drive users to take the desired action. Image ads are versatile, making them suitable for businesses of all types and sizes.

Video Ads

Video ads deliver a dynamic and engaging experience to the audience. They allow you to show your products or services in action, explain a complex idea or tell a captivating story. They can range from short, attention-grabbing clips to longer, more immersive content. The key is to make your video ads engaging from the first frame, clear in their message and consistent with your brand identity. They're particularly effective for businesses aiming to showcase their products in a lifestyle context or deliver a compelling narrative.

Poll Ads

Poll ads add an interactive element to your ad format, allowing you to engage with your audience on a deeper level. Polls can create a fun experience, gather valuable insights and boost your ad engagement rates. Crafting a relevant, engaging question is the key to leveraging this ad format. E-commerce businesses can use poll ads for product preference surveys, while service providers can gather opinions about trending topics in their industry.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads offer a creative way to tell a rich story or showcase a series of products as they allow you to include multiple images or videos, each with its own link, in a single ad. They can be used to highlight different features of a single product, a number of different products or even to create a narrative or tour. Each card of the carousel can have its own headline, description and call-to-action, which provides an opportunity to drive a different message or action. E-commerce businesses often benefit the most from this ad format.

Slideshow Ads

Slideshow ads are a simple way to create short videos using a collection of still photos, text or existing video clips. They can be a powerful way to communicate your message in a more engaging format without the resources needed for video production. Businesses targeting audiences with slower internet connections or older devices or those with tight marketing budgets, can benefit greatly from this ad format.

Collection Ads

Collection ads provide a seamless browsing experience, allowing users to discover, browse and purchase products directly from the ad. They feature a primary video or image with additional product images below in a grid-like layout. To optimise, ensure each product image is eye-catching and cohesive. Retailers or brands with visually appealing products can use this ad format to create a mini-storefront that drives online sales.

Instant Experiences Ads

Instant Experiences are full-screen ads that offer various features such as text, images, video and call-to-action buttons. They are designed to capture complete attention from your audience and drive high engagement. Brands looking to showcase a broad range of offerings or tell a more complex brand story, can take advantage of Instant Experiences.

Lead Ads

Lead Ads simplify the lead generation process by collecting user information through a form without leaving the platform. Make sure your form is straightforward, asks relevant questions and offers a clear incentive for users to provide their details. Service-based businesses or B2B companies can utilise this ad format to generate high-quality leads for their sales team.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads are the solution to retargeting your website visitors on Meta. They automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet. Implementing a pixel on your website and setting up a product catalog on Meta are prerequisites for running Dynamic Ads. This ad format is ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to increase their retargeting efforts.

Messenger Ads

Messenger ads provide a unique opportunity to initiate personal conversations with your audience. They appear in the Facebook Messenger app and encourage users to start a chat with your business. For optimisation, make sure your ad invites a response and your business is equipped to handle incoming messages promptly. This ad format can benefit businesses aiming to increase personal interaction with customers and offer customer support or consultations.

Stories Ads

Stories Ads offer full-screen vertical images or videos that can be enhanced with various creative tools such as text, stickers and drawings. They're displayed to users in between the Stories they view from people they follow. Businesses targeting a younger demographic or aiming to create brand awareness in a creative and engaging manner can benefit greatly from Stories Ads.

Ad Formats Comparison

Ad Format


Best Practices

Suitable for What Type of Business

Image Ads

A straightforward, classic form of advertising on Meta, consisting of a single image, a headline and text.

Use high-quality, visually appealing images that evoke emotions or convey your brand's story. The text should be minimal yet compelling.

Suitable for businesses of all types and sizes due to its versatility.

Video Ads

Delivers a dynamic and engaging experience to the audience, allowing you to show your products or services in action, explain a complex idea or tell a captivating story.

Make your video ads engaging from the first frame, clear in their message and consistent with your brand identity.

Effective for businesses aiming to showcase their products in a lifestyle context or deliver a compelling narrative.

Poll Ads

Adds an interactive element to your ad format, allowing you to engage with your audience on a deeper level.

Craft a relevant, engaging question to leverage this ad format.

E-commerce businesses can use it for product preference surveys, while service providers can gather opinions about trending topics in their industry.

Carousel Ads

Allows you to include multiple images or videos, each with its own link, in a single ad.

Use this format to highlight different features of a single product, a number of different products or to create a narrative or tour.

E-commerce businesses often benefit the most from this ad format.

Slideshow Ads

Creates short videos using a collection of still photos, text or existing video clips.

Create a powerful message in a more engaging format without the resources needed for video production.

Businesses targeting audiences with slower internet connections or older devices or those with tight marketing budgets, can benefit greatly from this ad format.

Collection Ads

Provides a seamless browsing experience, allowing users to discover, browse and purchase products directly from the ad.

Ensure each product image is eye-catching and cohesive.

Retailers or brands with visually appealing products can use this ad format to create a mini-storefront that drives online sales.

Instant Experiences Ads

Full-screen ads that offer various features such as text, images, video and call-to-action buttons.

Design these ads to capture complete attention from your audience and drive high engagement.

Brands looking to showcase a broad range of offerings or tell a more complex brand story, can take advantage of Instant Experiences.

Lead Ads

Simplify the lead generation process by collecting user information through a form without leaving the platform.

Make sure your form is straightforward, asks relevant questions and offers a clear incentive for users to provide their details.

Service-based businesses or B2B companies can utilise this ad format to generate high-quality leads for their sales team.

Dynamic Ads

Automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet.

Implement a pixel on your website and set up a product catalog on Meta to run Dynamic Ads.

Ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to increase their retargeting efforts.

Messenger Ads

Provide a unique opportunity to initiate personal conversations with your audience.

Make sure your ad invites a response and your business is equipped to handle incoming messages promptly.

Can benefit businesses aiming to increase personal interaction with customers and offer customer support or consultations.

Stories Ads

Offer full-screen vertical images or videos that can be enhanced with various creative tools such as text, stickers and drawings.

They're displayed to users in between the Stories they view from people they follow.

Businesses targeting a younger demographic or aiming to create brand awareness in a creative and engaging manner can benefit greatly from Stories Ads.

Campaign Type Objectives

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness campaigns are designed to reach people more likely to recall your ads, increasing awareness of your brand over time. They are ideal when launching a new product or entering a new market. Formats that work well with this objective include Image, Video, Carousel and Stories Ads.


Reach campaigns aim to show your ad to the maximum number of people. This objective is best used when your goal is to reach a broad audience to increase brand visibility or announce significant news. Most ad formats can effectively work with this objective.


Traffic campaigns aim to drive people to a destination on or off the platform, such as a website, app or Messenger conversation. Use this objective when you want to promote a new blog post, product page or drive attendance to an event. Compatible ad formats include Image, Video, Carousel, Collection and Instant Experiences.


Engagement campaigns aim to get more people to engage with your posts or Page. They can help increase your post likes, comments, shares, Page likes, event responses or offer claims. This objective is ideal when promoting user interaction, encouraging user-generated content or fostering a community. Poll, Carousel and Video Ads are especially effective for this campaign type.

App Installs

App Install campaigns aim to send people to the app store where they can download your app. Use this objective when promoting a new app or feature. Video and Image Ads are great ways to visually demonstrate your app's functionality and benefits.

Video Views

Video Views campaigns are designed to get more people to view your video content. This objective is best used when promoting brand storytelling or product explanation videos. It is best paired with Video Ads and Stories Ads.

Lead Generation

Lead Generation campaigns provide a way for people to show interest in your product or service by giving you their information. Businesses that rely heavily on lead generation tactics for sales will find this objective most beneficial. It is best paired with Lead Ads.


Messages campaigns encourage people to contact your business using Messenger or WhatsApp. Businesses aiming to increase customer interaction or provide personalised customer service should consider this objective. Messenger Ads work best with this campaign type.


Conversions campaigns encourage people to take a specific action on your website, in your app or in Messenger. This could be making a purchase, filling out a form or any other action valuable to your business. Pair this objective with Dynamic and Collection Ads for optimal results.

Catalog Sales

Catalog Sales campaigns automatically show items from your catalog based on your target audience. E-commerce businesses looking to retarget past visitors or promote relevant products to loyal customers should use this objective. Dynamic Ads are the most suitable format.

Store Traffic

Store Traffic campaigns aim to drive store visits by showing ads to people who are near your physical locations. Businesses with physical locations looking to increase foot traffic or promote in-store events will benefit from this campaign type. Most ad formats can be utilised effectively.

Campaign Type Objectives Comparison

Campaign Objective


Compatible Ad Formats

When to Use This Campaign Objective

Brand Awareness

Designed to reach people more likely to recall your ads, increasing awareness of your brand over time.

Image, Video, Carousel, Stories Ads

When launching a new product or entering a new market.


Aims to show your ad to the maximum number of people.

Most ad formats are effective.

When you want to reach a broad audience to increase brand visibility or announce significant news.


Designed to drive people to a destination on or off the platform, such as a website, app or Messenger conversation.

Image, Video, Carousel, Collection, Instant Experiences

When you want to promote a new blog post, product page or drive attendance to an event.


Aims to get more people to engage with your posts or Page.

Poll, Carousel, Video Ads

When promoting user interaction, encouraging user-generated content or fostering a community.

App Installs

Sends people to the app store where they can download your app.

Video, Image Ads

When promoting a new app or feature.

Video Views

Designed to get more people to view your video content.

Video Ads, Stories Ads

When promoting brand storytelling or product explanation videos.

Lead Generation

Provides a way for people to show interest in your product or service by giving you their information.

Lead Ads

When businesses that rely heavily on lead generation tactics for sales.


Encourages people to contact your business using Messenger or WhatsApp.

Messenger Ads

Businesses aiming to increase customer interaction or provide personalised customer service should consider this objective.


Encourages people to take a specific action on your website, in your app or in Messenger.

Dynamic, Collection Ads

When you want users to make a purchase, fill out a form or any other action valuable to your business.

Catalog Sales

Automatically show items from your catalog based on your target audience.

Dynamic Ads

E-commerce businesses looking to retarget past visitors or promote relevant products to loyal customers.

Store Traffic

Drives store visits by showing ads to people who are near your physical locations.

Most ad formats can be utilised effectively.

Businesses with physical locations looking to increase foot traffic or promote in-store events.


With the right combination of ad formats and campaign objectives, you can tailor your Meta advertising to meet your specific business goals. At Conversion Counts, we specialise in Meta (Facebook) advertising management, helping businesses like yours optimise their campaigns to maximise return on investment. Connect with us today to start leveraging these powerful tools to boost your business's visibility and reach your target audience more effectively.


What are the different types of ad formats offered by Meta (formerly Facebook)?

Meta offers various ad formats such as Image Ads, Video Ads, Poll Ads, Carousel Ads, Slideshow Ads, Collection Ads, Instant Experiences Ads, Lead Ads, Dynamic Ads, Messenger Ads, and Stories Ads.

What is a suitable campaign objective for businesses looking to increase their brand visibility or announce significant news?

The 'Reach' campaign objective is ideal for businesses looking to increase brand visibility or announce significant news as it aims to show your ad to the maximum number of people.

How do Dynamic Ads work and which businesses can benefit from them?

Dynamic Ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet. They require a pixel on your website and a product catalog on Meta. They are ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to increase their retargeting efforts.

What are some best practices for creating effective Video Ads on Meta?

Effective Video Ads should be engaging from the first frame, clear in their message and consistent with your brand identity. They can range from short, attention-grabbing clips to longer, more immersive content.

Which ad formats are recommended for a Traffic campaign objective?

The Traffic campaign objective, designed to drive people to a destination on or off the platform, is compatible with Image, Video, Carousel, Collection, and Instant Experiences ad formats.

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